Let’s change your thoughts to change your Life.
Because, yes, you actually can have anything you want!
But what if you could build up the courage to actually ask and what if I told you,
you could only get the answer „Yes.“ To anything. Always.
Well, there is a way and I want to show you how.
It’s time for you, to discover the power within you.
This is why I created this course – so anyone can tap into their unlimited potential,
making their dreams a reality.
The fact is, you have this feeling that there is more to life than surviving.
You are here because you are ready.
You are ready to take your life into your own hands, to fully understand your power and
finally create a life, you desire.

What you will find is course:
- Video lessons to provide you with all the tools you need.
- (Downloadable) PDF’s and MP3 that will supplement you while learning.
- Exercises that will help you realize what you want & how to achieve it.
- Affirmations and Self Discovery prompts to support your focus in this journey.
- Private Facebook group for support, assistance and extra advice.

This course is perfect for you
if you are :
- Excited for change and willing to do whatever it takes
- Ready to find out what you want and go after it wholeheartedly
- Committed to creating the life of your dreams
- Not afraid to admit that you want more out of life
- Someone who sees this course as an investment in their future
This course is not perfect for you
if you are :
- Someone looking for a quick fix
- Looking for someone to do the work for you
- Unwilling to take 100% responsibility of your reality
- Someone who sees this course as an expense
- Someone who has an “I already know it all” mindset

What you can expect to gain from this course:
- A better version of yourself
- An understanding on how manifestation works
- Clarity on what you wants from life and how to achieve it
- The realization of your own power and potential and how to use it
- The ability to get what you wish for

The Power in YOU
Unlock your Potential in 4 weeks- including VAT
- 2 year access to the full course including all Updates
- Weekly video lessons
- PDF & MP3 for Download
- Step by Step Guide for your Manifestation Success
- Private Facebook Group
- Carefully selected Affirmations
- Life changing Self Discovery prompts to deepen your journey

Who is Sophia
& How can she help me?
This course was created by my desire to truly help people, especially women, to stop doubting their power. I’ve always been passionate about helping people take charge of their lives, realize what they want and prepare them to finally get it.
We often don’t stop and take a second to think about we want in life and forget that we actually do have a choice.
I’ve made it my mission to show you what’s possible for your life and will guide you with a transformation on a spiritual, physical, emotional and mental level.
After I spent my whole life around strong women working with spirituality and using all of their resources to create a life they love, I have cumulated everything that has helped me and all those powerful women in “The Power in You” to make your wildest dreams your reality.
I’ve been practicing the Law of Attraction since I was young and have finally decided to put all that knowledge and all of my experiences in this course for you.
The Power in You is a program that your future self will thank you for. The time to create the life you desire is now.
All my love,